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Interior Design for Over 20 years

Design By Blue Sky aims to be your trusted partner for all of your interior design decisions. With over 20 years of experience, we’ve designed not just homes but also strong relationships with our clients that often turn into lifelong friendships. Our work has graced the pages of renowned publications like Home by Vie, and our designs have been showcased in numerous magazines. Learn more and schedule your consultation by contacting us.


Michelle Brookins

Michelle has been bringing people’s interior design dreams to life for over 20 years. She takes inspiration for every project from her clients. She enjoys blending various styles into a cohesive design unique to each client with a touch of flair. Dedicated to providing her clients with honesty, communication, and vision, Michelle is proud to say that she has come to consider many of her clients as her friends. Contact her about a project and know that the sky is the limit to what you can accomplish.

Ready to Transform Your Home?

Our vast experience, dedication to quality, and unwavering commitment to customer satisfaction set us apart. Working with us means partnering with a team that treats your home as their own, delivering results that exceed your expectations. Ready to turn your interior design dreams into reality? Contact us today to get started and let’s create something beautiful together!

Get Started With Design By Blue Sky Today!